Design Your Dream Conversation Flow

Tiledesk Drag and Drop

Design Studio

Welcome to Tiledesk Design Studio, the ultimate platform for designing and implementing chatbots and conversation automations. Design your dream conversation and bring your vision to life with our intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

Design Studio - Unlock AI magic for elevated customer engagement, fast | Product Hunt Design Studio - Unlock AI magic for elevated customer engagement, fast | Product Hunt

No-Code Conversation Designer

Design Conversation Hassle-free

Design Studio is a drag-and-drop platform that allows you to create bots and automations. Utilize its action library to design your ideal conversation flow.


Daniel Zaitzow
Co-Founder & Head of Operations @ ContentBlocks

The Tiledesk Design Studio sounds incredible. The drag & drop builder is a unique and intuitive way of making chatbot creation widely accessible! open source too hey!

Read the Review

tiledesk design studio no code automation

Random Reply

Set up multiple responses for the bot to randomly select, adding dynamism.

Agent handoff

Ensure seamless experience with a human backup for bots.

If operating hours

Send offline messages when out of the office, informing return time.

If online agent

Enable human handoff when possible, collect contact info if not.

tiledesk design studio showing different kind of possible automations

Unlimited Possible Scenarios

Make Conversation Humanized

Design Studio simplifies the creation of intricate, humanized conversations that encourage user interaction.


Personalize conversations by considering different scenarios.

Set Attributes

Define variables like user email for automated actions.

Replace Bot

Create diverse bots and connect them for enhanced user experience.

Change Department

Create specialized departments for relevant conversation transfers.


Use wait action to mimic human-like conversations.

Capture User Reply

Record user responses to customize subsequent actions and enhance user experience.

Dynamic Components

Embrace Automation and AI Integration

With Tiledesk, native and infinite integrations are possible. With a robust library of tutorials, we stand by you to ensure automation becomes a profitable asset for your business

tiledesk design studio showing gpt task and ask knowledge base automation

Social Media

Design once, publish everywhere. Reach your customers on Whatsapp, Facebook, Telegram, and more.

GPT Task

Harness the power of GPT-4. Generate automated emails, perform sentiment analysis, and more.


Integrate your bot with other tools for a harmonized marketing funnel.

Ask Knowledge Base

Train your bot with your website data for tailored responses.

Step into the Future of Conversations. Get Started with Tiledesk!